Office 365 Group not showing in Outlook (Exchange Hybrid Environment)


I have an issue where a Microsoft 365 group has been created but will not appear in Outlook 2019 or Outlook on the web.

After a bit of digging, I found out that the following factors played a part in this.

  • Exchange is running in Hybrid environment
  • User had created the Group/Team from within MS Teams

Because we were running a hybrid environment and the user had created the Team/Group from within the MS Teams app it doesn’t do as good a job as it would if you created it via the web-based admin interface.

When the group is created from the MS Teams app it doesn’t set the exchange attribute –HiddenFromExchangeClientsEnabled:$false which means that by default the group will not appear in Outlook App or Outlook on the web.

If you create the group via the Microsoft 365 admin center it works fine.


1. Open up Windows Powershell and connect to Exchange online using the following command. (Make sure you have Powershell 7 and the exchange EXO V2 module installed).

connect-ExchangeOnline -UserPrincipalName [email protected]

2. Set the groups visibility using the following command

Set-UnifiedGroup -Identity "Name of Your Group Here" -HiddenFromExchangeClientsEnabled:$false